Import & export

The import & export section is divided into two tabs: Import and Export. It allows for data processing in two areas:

  • Organizations

  • Users properties

This functionality allows for the preparation of a user summary, as well as making bulk changes to properties and organizational affiliations.

Import & export does not allow for the creation of new properties or new organizations and their levels- these actions must be performed from the add-on settings.



Users with properties

When exporting users properties, the resulting CSV/XLS file will contain:

  • Username

  • Columns with properties

Users with organizations

When exporting users organizations, the resulting CSV/XLS file will contain:

  • Username

  • Columns with organizations data: Level, Job Title, Manager, Resource Identifier



When importing users with properties/with organizations, a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding (comma-separated) should be used.

The imported file should contain all the columns as the previously exported file.

Files containing a maximum of 1000 rows should be imported.

To upload a file, drag it to the appropriate area based on the type of data being imported.

After dragging, a "User selection" window will appear, where the appropriate user must be selected. This situation occurs when there are users with the same data in Jira.