All permissions - pozwala na widoczność wszystkich organizacji na graficznym schemacie organizacyjnym
Organizations view - pozwala na wybór, które organizacje może przeglądać użytkownik lub grupa użytkowników na graficznym schemacie organizacyjnym
The Permissions section allows for modifying access rights to data within the add-on.
Permission type - allows selecting which element's permissions you want to edit.
Users/group - allows selecting the level at which to add permissions, whether for a single user or a group of Jira users.
Important - If permissions are set for both a single user and a group, the permissions are cumulative.
Administrators have all permissions by default.
Types of Permissions
User list
Permissions related to the user list and the ability to assign, edit, and delete organizations and properties.
User list view - allows viewing the user list.
User organization edit - allows editing the assigned organization.
User organization delete - allows deleting the organization assignment.
User property assign - allows assigning properties.
User property edit - allows editing the value of assigned properties.
User property delete - allows deleting the property assignment.
All permissions - allows all of the above actions.
Organization Chart
Permissions to view the graphical organizational chart. By default, a user can view the organizational charts of the organizations they are assigned to.
All permissions - allows visibility of all organizations on the graphical organizational chart.
Organizations view - allows selecting which organizations a user or group of users can view on the graphical organizational chart.