Jira Cloud Add-on:
We are excited to introduce our new Jira Cloud add-on, designed to facilitate the creation and management of advanced organizational charts within your company. Our tool is built to help teams and managers streamline their work, offering a range of features that improve the organization and management of human resources in Jira.
The add-on enables mapping of the organizational mapping chart, including its levels (e.g. departments, units, teams, etc.). The created levels may be assigned to users, thus complementing the data with their job position and superior. Each level has an assigned responsible person - level manager. It is possible to create multiple organizations within the scope of a single instance.
organizational profiles for Jira users
The user has an organizational profile, where data such as a phone number or a place of work can be indicated. This data can be further displayed on panels in Jira tasks and may serve to generate a QR business card.
Graphical presentation of organizational
The add-on generates real-time graphical presentation of the organization. After clicking a given user tile, it presents detailed data about that user.
Different types of properties may be added: date, date-time, string, text, boolean number, URL. This affects further editing and presentation method of the data.
Extending JQL capabilities
Due to intoduction of JQL language extension, it is possible to search tasks by created user properties. możesz wyszukiwać zadania po stworzonych właściwościach użytkowników. The below JQL extensions are available:
usersWithProperty(key, value-optional)
usersInOrganizationLevel(organizationName, level)
Presenting additional data on WebPanels in Jira tasks
The add-on's configuration allows the selection of properties to be displayed the WebPanel in Jira task. The presented data may vary, depending on task fucnction (assigned person, reporting person).
Sharing QR
Na WebPanelu w zadaniu Jira istnieje możliwość wygenerowania QR vCard w celu szybkiego wczytania kontaktu do telefonu.
Opcje importu i eksportu właściwości oraz przynależności do organizacji
Dodatek umożliwia przeprowadzanie hurtowych zmian w zakresie profili organizacyjnych użytkowników i ich właściwości. Udostępniliśmy możliwość eksportu użytkowników wraz z ich dodatkowymi danymi i importu tych danych do Jira.
Przechowywanie zmian w zakresie schematu organizacyjnego
Wszelkie zmiany w zakresie schematu organizacyjnego odkładają się w historii zmian, którą możemy przeglądać i wyeksportować do pliku CSV lub XLS.
Definiowanie uprawnień użytkowników do dodatku
Istnieje możliwość definiowania uprawnień do poszczególnych sekcji dodatku dla każdego użytkownika.
JIRA Cloud Add-on: Advanced Organization Profiles & User Properties Management
We are excited to introduce our new JIRA Cloud add-on, designed to facilitate the creation and management of advanced organizational charts within your company. Our tool is built to help teams and managers streamline their work, offering a range of features that improve the organization and management of human resources in JIRA.
Application Features
Creating Organizational Structures and Assigning Levels to Users
The add-on enables the mapping of an organizational structure along with its levels (e.g., departments, divisions, teams, etc.). These levels can be assigned to users, providing data on their job positions and supervisors. Each level has a designated person responsible, the level manager. The add-on allows the creation of multiple organizations within a single instance.
Creating Organizational Profiles for JIRA Users
Each user receives an organizational profile where data such as phone number and workplace can be specified. This data can be displayed on panels in JIRA tasks and used to generate a QR business card.
Graphical Presentation of the Organizational Structure
The add-on generates a graphical presentation of the organization in real-time. Selecting a person displays detailed information about them.
Creating Global and Private Properties
The presented add-on also allows the creation of a list of properties and assigning them to JIRA users. There are two main types of properties:
Global - automatically assigned to every JIRA user.
Private - assigned to users by administrators.
Properties can be added with various types: date, date/time, string, text, number, boolean, URL, affecting their editing and presentation methods.
Extending JQL Capabilities
With the introduction of JQL extensions, it is now possible to search tasks based on user-created properties. The following JQL extensions are available:
usersWithProperty(key, value-optional)
usersInOrganizationLevel(organizationName, level)
Presenting Additional Data on WebPanels in JIRA Tasks
In the add-on configuration, you can choose which organizational profile properties and user-assigned properties to display on the WebPanel in a JIRA task. Data regarding the Assignee and Reporter can be presented.
Sharing QR Business Cards
On the WebPanel in a JIRA task, there is an option to generate a QR vCard for quick contact import to a phone.
business cards
It is possible to generate QR vCard on the WebPanel in Jira task for quick upload of the contact into the telephone.
Import and export properties and organization membership
The add-on allows for bulk changes to user users' organizational profiles and their properties. We have provided the ability It is possible to export users along with , including their additional data and import this the data into JIRAJira.Storing Organizational Structure Changes
Storage of changes made to organizational chart
All changes in to the organizational structure chart are logged deposited in a the change history, which can be viewed and exported to a CSV or XLS file.
Defining User Permissions for the Add-on
Detailed management of permissions within the add-on is enabled.
Defining user permissions to the add-on
It is possible to define user permissions to specific sections and for each user of the add-on.
New functions in the Issue Navigator
To facilitate searching by elements used in the add-on, new JQL extensions have been introduced in the Issue Navigator. They apply to the following arguments: assignee, reporter, creator.
Available functions:
usersWithProperty("key") or usersWithProperty("key","value")