Układ właściwości prezentowany na liście użytkowników można zmieniać, przesuwając poziomy właściwości na liście za pomocą ikonki
. Po zmianie kolejności na liście, zmianie ulegnie także kolejność prezentowania właściwości na ekranach. Opcja ta pozwala na układanie właściwości, od najważniejszych do mniej ważnych, w celu prezentowania ich w konkretnej kolejności.In this section, you define a list of properties and their types. Private properties defined here can later be assigned to users. Global properties will be automatically assigned to every user.
Search - allows searching for properties in the list.
Add new property - allows adding a new property to the list.
Refresh - refreshes the list after changes.
Global - enabling this option makes the property visible on every user profile, regardless of whether it was assigned to them and whether it has a value.
Show in Assignee details - enabling this option will make the property and its assigned value appear in the Assignee Details panel on tasks.
Show in Reporter Details - enabling this option will make the property and its assigned value appear in the Reporter Details panel on tasks.
Property type - the type of property (e.g., date, date/time, text) set when creating the property. The type of property affects how its value is filled in.
Action menu - menu of options that can be performed on existing properties.
Creating a New Property
To create a new property that can later be assigned to a user or as a global property (automatically assigned to all users), select the Add new property button:
Fill out the form with the name of the new property and its type, and specify whether the created property should be global:
Available property types:
String - a text field limited to 255 characters.
Number - an integer or floating-point number field.
Boolean - allows entering a true/false value.
Date - allows entering a date as the value.
Datetime - allows entering a date and time as the value.
Text - a text field limited to 5000 characters.
URL - allows entering a web address (will be visible as a link).
Editing the Property Name
To edit the property name, click on the name:
An inline edit will appear, allowing you to change the name and accept or reject the changes:
Changing the Display Order on Screens
Global properties are always presented first on the list, followed by private properties.
The order in which properties are presented on the user list can be changed by dragging the property levels on the list using the icon