The Clear all filters button clears all previous filters and displays the entire user list.
The Export button allows for export of the user list with their properties to CSV, XLS, or PDF files.
The user table contains data about the user's assignment to the organization and their assigned properties.
The Action menu allows operations on a given user, including:
Edit Users Properties - here, we can assign a new property to the user, edit property values, or delete user properties.
Edit User Organization Profile - here, we can assign the user to a previously created organization level, edit their organizational membership, or remove the user from the organization.
Show Organization Scheme - selecting this option results in displaying a graphical organizational chart to the user.
Przypisywanie użytkownikom właściwości
Assigning user properties
To assign user properies created through https://coigsa.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UPOS/pages/983057/User+properties#Tworzenie-nowej-w%C5%82a%C5%9Bciwo%C5%9Bci , należy wybrać z menu Action opcję select Edit User Properties option from the Action menu
Następnie followed by Assign property
Po wybraniu z listy właściwości i wpisaniu jej wartości należy wybrać przycisk Submit, aby właściwość została dodana użytkownikowi: